8 perspectives
48 voices
36 reader’s views
Perspectivism is one of three proof-of-principle prototypes of Narracube, Volume I of Language of the book, Volume I-III. This prototype is inspired by the philosophical principle of Perspectivism. It is a philosophy of knowledge that states that what we know is determined by the perspective from where we view matters. The key functional principle of Perspectivism is that the eight cubes can represent eight different perspectives/thoughts/positions/voices/views or aspects on a chosen matter. The six sides of the cubes can carry different aspects of the perspective. The visualisation of how the perspectives and their sides interplay is illustrated with different viewpoints of eight animals used in narration traditions.
Narration process
The Perspectivism narracube broadens inquiry by having more voices to share their view on the matter. Each perspective is investigated deeper by mapping six supporting events/thoughts/arguments/dimensions to the perspective. What is upholding the position or what shaped it? This can be significant historical events, connected knowledge or belief systems crucial to support the logic of the perspective. These steps broaden and deepen the view on the matter. The eight perspectives with their six supporting sides can represent how they meet and relate to each other in a shifting context.
An extended use of the structural features for the narration process can be found in the hinges that connect the cubes. There are sixteen fixed connections between sides of the cubes. A fixed connection is the two sides that are seen or unseen next to each other no matter how the cube is turned. Each perspective has four sides that are in a fixed position and two sides that are truly shifting.
While the narrative process associated with the functionality of Perspectivism can be made individually, this narracube allows an interplay of 8 different perspectives resulting in a truly collective narrative process.
Reading process
The reading experience of Perspectivism becomes investigative and explorative just like the narration process. The paging is done by rotating the cubes as well as rotating the whole book to explore all the reader’s views. There are thirty-six unique reader’s views as the sides of the cubes build new reading surfaces to be read as a whole in relation to each other. Perspectives that might not have been seen together in a constellation are read in another view and new sides of perspectives are revealed. This multiple narrative structure provides space to inquire and investigate each position’s dimensions as well as the shifting context around them.